Farm animals tend to produce massive amounts of filth.

The Filth rate stat is proportional to the body size and wildness stats. While walking on constructed floors, some animals produce animal filth. Wild animals can cross fences but not doors. Tamed animals may cross doors and fences in their assigned area, unlike pen animals. Some wild animals tend to stay together in a herd. Wandering: Animals will wander the accessible map, their pen, or their assigned zone when their needs are satisfied, e.g.Some animals have a different sprite for infant and adult life stages, like the chicken. Some animals have different appearances between males and females. Most animal sprites do not show limbs, just like human sprites. Some species (most ungulates) cannot be assigned an area and must instead be roped by a colonist into a pen. Be certain to designate them an animal sleeping spot and ensure they have access to a food source. Zoning prevents animals from wandering into danger and eating things they shouldn't be. Allowed areas are created via the Expand allowed area function in the Architect>Zone menu. One of the best ways to control animals is to assign them an allowed area. Most of the above information is also displayed in the animal's inspect pane. Animals stay in their assigned areas unless designated to follow their master. Checkbox columns for each trainable skill: Tame, Guard, Rescue, Attack, and Haul for the management of animal training.

A "Slaughter" checkbox column allows easy slaughtering of multiple tamed animals at once.If the animal is designated to follow its master when drafted or doing field work.A button lists the animal's master, if it has one.